Submitting Samples and Rates (old)

Instructions for Submitting Samples to the Mass Spectrometry Facility

  1. If you do not know what kind of service you need please contact Dr. Kari Basso .
  2. Download/save to fill out a service request form (please type the information directly into the form): To type directly into the form you can save the file and when you open it in Adobe Reader you should have the ability to type in the forms. Or you can open it from the web using Adobe Acrobat Pro and type in directly.
  3. ON CAMPUS    Please download/save if you are affiliated with University of Florida.
  4. OFF CAMPUS Please download/save if you are an Off-Campus user.
  5. SELF OP  Please download if you are a Self-OP user.
  6. You have the ability to insert your structure directly as a image (jpeg tiff etc). Download the Service Request Form.  Save your Chem Draw as an image file. Click on the Image icon and and follow the guidance in choosing the image to insert. If you only have Adobe Reader you will be able to type in the form fields but not insert an image. You will need to attach your image on a separate sheet.
  7. Please fill the form out completely and with as much information as possible about your sample. Use the comment section to provide additional requests or sample information.  Y
  8. You may use one form for several samples submitted at the same time if you prefer. After you fill it out, you can save the file by selecting “File”, “Save As”.
  9. Print the form when you are done and bring it with your sample.  You can also email it to Dr. Kari Basso.
  10. Bring the printed form and the sample(s) to the UF Chemistry Laboratory Building (CLB), room 101, between 9 am and 4 pm weekdays.  Please enter your information at the computer station and the entrance of the lab.
  11. If you are mailing the samples, please use Fed-Ex or UPS as a carrier, do not mail for weekend delivery.   Ship the form and samples to:

    Dr. Kari Basso
    1680 Union Rd
    126 Sisler Hall/Department of Chemistry
     Gainesville FL 32611

  12. All data is stored electronically. We will email results to you.
  13. Samples will be discarded unless requested to return.
  14. Please read

Minimizing Contamination for Successful MS Results


Unit UF Non-UF University/Govt Industry Description 
Ultra-high resolution accurate mass (Impact or Orbitrap) Sample $55 $65 $165 Sub-ppm accuracy.  MS/MS for structure determination.  Can be used with Smart Formula to identify molecular formula for true unknowns.  Molecular formula matching for molecules < 1000 amu. 
Ultra-high resolution Ion Mobility (timsTOF Pro II) Sample $75 $90 $215 Direct infusion ion mobility for isomer identification 
Nominal mass or molecular formula matching (Agilent, MALDI) Sample $45 $55 $135 Molecular formula matching to predicted molecular formula to within 5 ppm for masses less than 1000 amu  
Calibration Curve Project $330 $400 $825 5-point calibration curve for targeted quantitation 
Low-resolution GC-MS Standard Gradient Injection $45 $55 $135 Standard GC-MS on the ISQ with a 10 minute – 30-minute gradient 
High-resolution GC-MS/DIP Injection $60 $70 $165 High-resolution GC-MS on the Orbitrap with a 10 minute – 30-minute gradient 
High-Resolution GC-MS/DIP > 10 samples Injection $55 $65 $150Bulk rate for high-throughput projects 
High Resolution GC-MS Long Gradient  Injection $80 $90 $240 Greater than 30-minute gradient for complex separations. 
LC-MS or GC-MS method development Project $425 $495 $770 Method development for targeted LC-MS projects using standards. 
Low resolution LC-MS/MS (LTQ, Quad) Injection $75 $90 $215 LC-MS/MS on one of the low-resolution instruments 
Low resolution LC-MS/MS > 10 samples (LTQ, Quad) Injection $55 $65 $165 Bulk rate for high-throughput projects 
Medium Resolution LC-MS (TOF)  Injection $100 $125 $300 LC-MS with DAD on the TOF added if desired 
Medium Resolution LC-MS (TOF) > 10 samples Injection $85 $100 $215 Bulk rate for high-throughput projects 
High resolution LC-MS (Impact, Orbitrap) Injection $150 $165 $385 LC-MS or LC-MS/MS on high resolution instruments 
High resolution LC-MS (Impact, Orbitrap) > 10 samples Injection $135$155 $315 Bulk rate for high-throughput projects 
High resolution LC-Ion-Mobility MS (timsTOF Pro II) Injection $185 $220 $545 LC-IMS-MS or LC-IMS-MS/MS on timsTOF Pro 
High resolution LC-MS (timsTOF Pro II) > 10 samples Injection $165$185$440 Bulk rate for high-throughput projects 
Statistical Analysis and Bioinformatics Project $250 $300 $600 Quantitative and statistical analysis and metabolite identification 
Training/Staff Time Hour $45 $55 $132 
Self-operation MALDI Hour $20 $30 $60 Billed in 30-minute increments 
Self-operation Flow injection on Agilent or QTOF Hour $90 $105 $265 Billed in 30-minute increments 
Self-Operation LC-MS or GC-MS Hour $35 $40 $105 Billed in 30 min-increments 
1D SDS PAGE and coomassie stain 10 well Gel $72 $88 $215 Up to 8 samples (8 wells) 
Albumin removal/phosphopeptide enrichment Sample $60 $75 $180 Sample preparation 
Cell lysis/protein/metabolite/lipid extraction Sample $60 $75 $180 Sample preparation 
Protein quantitation (Qubit) or total lipid SPVA Project $90 $110 $265 Quantitation analysis for normalization 
Sample Fractionation by pI Sample $90 $110 $265 Pre-fractionate complex protein mixtures by pI to detect more low abundant proteins 
Standard Protein Sequencing (solution, on-bead, or gel band) Sample $140 $180 $360 Digestion LC-MS/MS and bioinformatics 1 Hr gradient on the QE 
Standard Protein Sequencing  > 10 samples  Sample $120 $145 $300 Digestion LC-MS/MS and bioinformatics 1 Hr gradient on the QE 
TMT-ProÔ Labeling Sample $140 $165 $395 TMT Labeling up to 18 samples for ultimate proteomic quantitation 
Complex Protein Sequencing  Sample $220 $265 $550 Digestion, LC-MS/MS and bioinformatics 3 hour gradient on the QE 
Complex Protein Sequencing > 10 samples  Sample  $200 $240 $495 Digestion, LC-MS/MS and bioinformatics 3 hour gradient on the QE 
TMT Ultra Complex Protein Sequencing Sample $350 $385 $1000 Digestion, LC-MS/MS 6-hour LC-MS gradient for TMT samples 
Additional Enzyme Sample $60 $75 $165 Chymotrypsin, Glu-C etc.   
Desalting Protein/DNA Sample $35 $45 $100 For intact mass measurement 
PTM or quantitative analysis using Proteome Discoverer, Scaffold, Peaks, or Mascot Sample $250 $300 $600 Quantitative analysis with statistical analysis and/or post-translational modification analysis 

* Rush charges are 3x standard published rates.